HIN Trust Circle, now powered by SCION

Author. Leah Ladines     Apr 20, 2023
HIN Trust Circle, now powered by SCION

To read the press release in German, French, or Italian, please visit: HIN Vertrauensraum >

The national healthcare communication and connectivity standard has upgraded its network infrastructure with a state-of-the-art, Swiss-made solution.

April 20th, 2023, Switzerland - In an advanced nation like Switzerland, healthcare connectivity is an essential requirement for the well-being of Swiss citizens. Health Info Net AG (HIN) has played a critical role in connecting the majority of relevant players in the Swiss healthcare system, enabling healthcare professionals to exchange data and operate efficiently. Over the last 25 years, the company has guided healthcare organizations to adopt secure digital transformation by providing secure and reliable communication services. However, data, communication, and networking have come under a stream of increasing attacks in a concerted effort to destabilize, steal or disrupt the critical infrastructure of sovereign nations.

Whether malicious cybercriminals or rival countries are to blame, the effect is the same. Data and connectivity, the very pillars of modern healthcare solutions, are at risk every day. It’s no wonder healthcare organizations are investing in measures to prevent future attacks, such as the 9.84 million DDoS attacks in 2021 alone. “The Swiss healthcare system may be one of the most advanced in the world, but it’s also not safe from the vulnerabilities of the internet,” said Urs Fischer, leader of business development and innovation at HIN. “Critical communications and digital solutions need a solid, reliable network, which is what we strive to provide at HIN. Our decision to use SCION is evidence of our resolve to deliver on our promise to thousands of doctors and hundreds of hospitals in Switzerland.”

In an effort to curb cyber attacks and disruptions, HIN partnered with Anapaya to
implement SCION and bolster their communications network with the HIN Trust Circle,
also known as HIN Vertrauensraum (HVR) in German. SCION, a networking protocol developed at ETH Zurich, has proven to be one of the most reliable and secure connectivity solutions available on the market, and the HVR is expected to benefit from its technology. 

SCION stands for Scalability, Control, and Isolation On Next-Generation Networks. It's a connectivity solution that protects and secures connections with the reliability of a private network. What makes SCION different is that it still retains the flexibility of the public internet, so users can freely connect without risk. 

What makes SCION powerful is its ability to effectively render our connections invisible, away from malicious actors online. With SCION, cybercriminals can’t attack us because they won’t even know when we connect or where we connect from.
Urs Fischer, Leader of Business Development & Innovation at HIN


The HVR will enable critical digital services such as networked medical devices and applications to be used without limits from inadequate internet architecture. HVR will reliably protect users against DDoS and routing attacks to ensure secure and confidential communications. Additionally, the HVR will utilize fast failover measures in the event of connection failure to guarantee continuous work without interruption. With geofencing capabilities and path optimization, even strict data protection requirements can be easily implemented.

“There’s no doubt about it - SCION is increasingly becoming a necessity for critical communications,” said Martin Bosshardt, CEO of SCION commercial provider, Anapaya. “We’ve already made a difference to the Swiss financial industry as well as the federal institutions Switzerland relies upon. We feel honored to help fortify the essential connectivity our healthcare sector requires.”


Martin Bosshardt, CEO Anapaya, und Urs Fischer, Leiter Business Development & Innovation HIN

From spring 2023, all HIN individual members are to access critical digital services and applications protected by the HVR. The HVR is already available to doctors and clinics, and service and application providers can now apply for membership. Together with our accredited partners, Extreme Networks, Swisscom, Sunrise, SWITCH, and more, we provide the most secure healthcare network available in Switzerland.


About Anapaya

Anapaya Systems AG is a Swiss company whose goal is to build an international ecosystem providing SCION-based services for a more reliable, secure, and stable networking experience. Our solutions provide organizations around the globe with a way to transport critical business data securely and transparently across the network, sending information between corporate sites, trusted partners, and cloud providers. Anapaya is located at Hardturmstrasse 253, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland and represented by Martin Bosshardt (CEO) and Samuel Hitz (CTO).

Contact Marketing & Communications: leah.ladines@anapaya.net

About HIN

Health Info Net AG (HIN) protects patient data in the digital world. For healthcare professionals in Switzerland, HIN is the standard for secure communication and the trustworthy handling of sensitive data. HIN was founded in 1996 on the initiative of the FMH and the Ärztekasse. Since then, HIN has been networking for healthcare professionals in a simple, secure, and personal manner. 

Contact Marketing & Communications: philipp.senn@hin.ch



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