Pascal Rialland joins Anapaya as Chairman of the board

Author. Anapaya     Dec 15, 2020
Pascal Rialland joins Anapaya as Chairman of the board

Anapaya welcomes Pascal Rialland as chairman of the board of directors. The current chairman, Adrian Perrig, will continue to serve Anapaya as a board member helping to facilitate Mr Rialland’s transition into the team. Mr Rialland will add his broad knowledge and in-depth business experience to Anapaya’s connectivity solution and business objectives. 

A long-respected figure in the telecom and software industry, Mr Rialland has worked with well-known visionaries such as Sir Richard Branson, Sir Charles Dunstone and Patrick Drahi. He has also been appointed CEO of Covage Networks, a private equity telecom infrastructure company.

“Anapaya is all about forging and protecting modern connections, and telecommunications are a big part of that,” said Anapaya’s current Chairman, Adrian Perrig. “Pascal’s addition reflects this approach and will strengthen our ability to offer secure and reliable connections to businesses around the world.”

Mr Rialland´s international background enables him to address the needs, challenges and preferences of global stakeholders. He has led and succeeded in initiatives across North and Central America, Europe and Israel. His profound multinational experience in telecommunications is expected to boost Anapaya’s presence as it expands beyond Switzerland. 

“Though 2020 has isolated people, our technology and infrastructure have kept us connected,” states Mr Rialland. “Solutions like Anapaya’s are critical to maintaining and protecting this precious ability, no matter the circumstances. I believe it is an essential asset for the future of communication between nations, businesses and people.”

Anapaya has already begun to transform connectivity solutions for businesses around the world. Their recent Swiss Financial Network project is expected to set the standard for financial service communications, and its application for other industries, such as life sciences and power management, are numerous. Mr Rialland’s knowledge will build on this momentum to further develop Anapaya as a multinational, cross-industrial solution into the future.

About Anapaya:

Anapaya’s vision is to deliver a secure and reliable backbone for the next generation of internet, designed to ensure trusted WAN communications. Founded in 2017 out of a research project from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Anapaya’s Next-Generation Internet combines the security and reliability of private networks with the flexibility and openness of the internet. It connects users, partners, and customers to their apps and resources in a more efficient, controllable and secure way.


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